Bathroom Ideas Using Accessories You’ve Always Wanted

The bathroom may be a necessary part of any home, but that doesn’t mean that it should be merely functional and not as much a representation of your style and personality as any other part of your living space. Even those with modest homes can add a sense of luxury and style by implementing the right bathroom accent pieces.

If you have always dreamed of having a bathroom that was elegant and stylish, stop putting off the upgrade until someday and start the transformation that will make your time in the bathroom a more enjoyable experience. Below are some suggestions on how to accomplish your goal:

Bathroom ideas for added elegance

  1. A Good Toilet – Most people have had the same toilet in their home for a long time. If yours has that classic look about it, you probably don’t even know its age. A modern toilet will not only look like a piece of art in comparison to your existing one, it will also help you save water and offer more comfort. To take your toilet to the next level, add a heated toilet seat.
  2. Emphasize the Lighting – A dim bathroom might be considered the norm, considering that few are made with a lot of windows to provide natural light. Bathroom supply stores carry a variety of lighting fixtures that will provide effective light throughout the bathroom while focusing direct light on the areas where you need it, such as over mirrors where you apply makeup.
  3. Quality Towels – Ones that match! If your idea of stocking up on towels is to buy an assortment of colors when they are on clearance, you probably aren’t getting the most from your showering experience. Not only do luxurious, absorbent towels do a better job of drying and feel better against your skin than the budget-priced alternatives, they can also add to the color scheme of your bathroom. A carefully placed stack of folded towels makes an instant addition to your décor that emphasizes your color scheme.
  4. A Non-Slip Bath Mat – No matter what type of flooring you have outside your shower, it’s going to be a lot more slippery when it gets wet. A beautifully coordinated bath mat will bring an artistic touch to your floor while making sure you step out of the shower with steady footing.
  5. Storage – Every bathroom needs storage space, but plastic crates have no place in a modern room with a higher level of prestige than you will get by shopping at the local dollar store. Most bathrooms work best with a combination of concealed storage which may also be used as a display. You can also add space to a smallish bathroom by using a wall shelf or hutch to hold smaller items or folded linens, while a decorative armoire keeps items you prefer to keep hidden out of sight. Decorative stainless steel shelving is another option if you have lots of space.
  6. Really Great Faucets – If you have never shopped around for new faucets for the bathroom sink and shower, you are in for a real treat! There are hundreds of styles to choose from, in styles from classic to art deco, to suit your taste and the style of your house.


  1. Massaging Showerhead – Nothing takes the drudgery out of showering faster than a massaging showerhead. Choose one that has a variety of spray modes to suit your mood. Simulate being in a rainstorm or indulge in a full-body massage. The right showerhead will help wake you up in the morning or help you unwind after a difficult day.
  2. Countertop Accessories – Buying hand soap in a plastic dispenser may be convenient, but it doesn’t have the same visual appeal as, say, a matching pewter set that brings a higher level of luxury to the sink. Include a liquid soap dispenser, tissue box cover, cotton ball holder, toothbrush holder, and any other piece you need to hold essentials.

Of course, there may be other bathroom accessories that you have in mind to make your bathroom just right for you. Towel warmers, radiant heat flooring, and a plush terry robe are just some of the additions that people make to improve their bathrooms. To learn more about the wide variety of bathroom accessories we offer at European Sink Outlet, give us a call at 954-733-8967.

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